Ludovic Delafontaine
Swiss software engineer who cares about simple, yet reliable software.
Created: 1994-09-10 · Updated: 2024-08-18
Hi! My name is Ludovic. I’m a Swiss software engineer passionate about way too many things (computer science, file organization, maintainable software, nature, music, etc.). I’m currently working at Artios and I’m a part-time lecturer at the Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud for the course Développement d’application internet (DAI).
On this website, you’ll find information about me, my interests and my projects. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you’d like to collaborate on a project.
Enjoy your visit!
Latest posts
I sometimes write blog posts. Here are some of my latest ones.
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Curriculum vitae
My curriculum vitae contains information about my education, my work experience, my skills (both social and technical) as well as some of my personal projects and interests.
I am a big fan of nature and I try to adopt a simple living mindset. Here are some of my favorite hobbies.
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I have many interests that I like to enjoy in my free time. Here are some of them.
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I sometimes find interesting tools/links on the web. Here are some of my latest findings.
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Some of the quotes and words I like.
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